Jim Abernethy is an award-winning underwater photographer, filmmaker, author and conservationist who pioneered shark encounters without a cage. Starting at a young age, scuba diving served as an inspiration for his life’s mission as a conservationist.
His award-winning marine life images are often featured in the world’s top nature magazines.  Additionally, Abernethy’s expedition clients include many of the world’s top nature filmmakers and magazines such as Imax, National Geographic, BBC Wildlife, Animal Planet and Discovery Channel.
For decades, he has been running photography/videography expeditions to engage with the world’s largest predatory sharks – Abernethy hosts cage-free dive expeditions (day/night) with tiger, great hammerheads, oceanic white tips, bull, and lemon sharks - he is best known as an extremely passionate crusader for their protection and has received numerous awards for his lifelong dedication as a marine life conservationist.
Jim mostly lives at sea, in the Bahamas, running shark expeditions and wild dolphin encounters year round on his boat, "Shear Water." His dive business, Jim Abernethy’s Scuba Adventures Inc.
, is based in West Palm Beach, FL.